Geometric period pottery pictures collection from greek museums
Each thumbnail photo is a link to a larger version of the same
Large Cypriot amphora. Linear decoration and lotus
flowers in red and black paint. Bichrome rythm. Cypro-Archaic I period 750
BC. |
Pithoi with relief representations were made in the 7th
c. BC. in various regions(Crete, Rhodes and Cyclades,probably centred on
Tenos), though they have also been found on Delos and Mykonos, Naxos,
Melos, and Thera, in Boeotia, Eretria and Athens. From Thebes. 675 BC.
National Archaeological Museum of Athens. |
Bronze bowl. From large cist grave on Skyros. 11th
cent. BC. National Archaeological Museum of Athens |
Pithos. With impressed decoration. From Athens (Pireos
str.) 7th c. BC. National Archaeological Museum of Athens |
Tripod krater of Bichrome IV Ware. Cypro-Archaic I
period (750 BC.-600 BC.) National Archaeological Museum of Athens |
Tripod amphora. From Athens. Middle Geometric period
(850-800 BC). National Archaeological Museum of Athens. |
Attic geometric amphora. Depiction of the prothesis
(body lying in state). On the lower part of the vase, a procession of
mourners. From Athens (Sapountzakis plot, Pireos str.). By the Dipylon
Painter. About 750 BC. National Archaeological Museum of Athens |
Attic amphora. From the Late Geometric IIa period. From
Athens (outside the Dipylon). From the Sub-Dipylon Group. 735-720 BC.
National Archaeological Museum of Athens |
Attic geometric crater. On the main zone is depicted
the ekphora (carrying out of the body to the grave) of the deceased on on
a carriage, around which are women mourners and men with swords. From the
Dipylon. By the Hirschfeld Painter (750-735) BC. National Archaeological
Museum of Athens |
Krater. In the main decorative zone funeral games
(chariot-race) and a chorus of mourning men are depicted. From Athens (Sapountzakis
plot, Pireos str.). Late Geometric I period (750-735 BC). National
Archaeological Museum of Athens |
Boeotean pithos-amphora. Mistress of the Animals, the
great goddess of nature, flanked by lions, with dismembered bovine and
birds in the background. From Thebes. Product of a Boeotian workshop of
the early Orientalizing style. 680-670 BC. National Archaeological Museum
of Athens |
Krater. From the Protogeometric cemetery in New Ionia,
Attica. The fragments of the large krater with vertical handles covered
Pyre. National Archaeological Museum of Athens |