Roman history falls naturally into two parts .The
city of Rome became an independent republic in 509 b.c.
and remained a republic until the old self-governing
institutions were replaced by one-man rule after the
Battle of Actium in 31 b.c. Thereafter Rome and the
empire it had by now acquired were ruled by a single
man, holding initially the title of princeps (first
citizen), and later the title of imperator (emperor) or
dominus (lord). This one-man rule lasted from 31
b.c. to a.d. 476, when a barbarian chieftain deposed the
last emperor -although, in fact, the emperors had lost
their real power many decades before. The era of one-man rule is often called the "Roman Empire,"
to be distinguished from the Roman Republic. But this
distinction is somewhat misleading, since most of the empire was
acquired during the period of the republic. The distinction
between Republic and Empire is therefore a distinction between
the different kinds of government, and the word empire in this
connection should not be confused with our modern use of the
term in the territorial sense. |
Prior to the establishment of the Republic there had been
kings in Rome, traditionally from the founding of Rome by
Romulus in 753 b.c. The famous story of this founding should
not, however, be taken too seriously, since it is certain that a
city existed on the site of Rome long before 753. The Italians
who inhabited the Italian peninsula probably descended into
Italy at about the same time as the various barbarian peoples
entered Greece, during the second millennium b.c. Even before
these invasions there is evidence of prehistoric cultures in
Italy. The native kings of Rome were certainly replaced toward
the end of the seventh Century b.c. when an Etruscan named
Tarquinius Priscus added Rome to his territories. The Etruscans
were at that time in control f most of Italy north of Rome. By
capturing Rome they reached their furthest point of expansion to
the south, and Rome became one of their capitals.
The Etruscans appear to have come from Asia Minor about 900 b.c.
They brought a distinctive culture of their own and bequeathed
to the Romans such practices as divination by the observation of
the flight of birds and of other natural phenomena; the Romans
continued throughout the history of both the Republic and the
Empire to rely much upon the information as to lucky and unlucky
days given by the augurs. It was also the Etruscans who probably
reunited the small villages around Rome into one great city. But
the Etruscans were never popular in Rome, and the rule by
Etruscan kings was such that the Romans detested the title of
king forever afterward. Although the traditional sixth king of
Rome, Servius Tullius, was regarded much more favorably by the
later Romans, it is possible that even he was an Etruscan, or
ruled with Etruscan consent. The Roman nobles rebelled against
the seventh king of Rome, Tarquinius the Proud (Superbus), and
Succeeded in setting up their own institutions after they had
expelled him from the city. The famous story of the Rape of
Lucrece (by a son of Tarquinius) concerns the incident which ted
to the Etruscan expulsion.