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                                                 The Neolithic civilization (6800-3300 BC)

Neolithic Civilization is the long era, the main characteristics of which are farming , stock-breeding , permanent installation and the extensive use of stone , as well. From the stage of the nomadic hunter-gatherer (Palaeolithic Era ) man entered the stage of farmer-husbandman and dominated his natural environment. This neolithic "revolution" is affected at the beginning of the 7th millenium.                                                        The neolithic Civilization lasted more than three thousand years and is divided into five main phases, the Aceramic (6800-6500 BC) , the Early Neolithic (6500-5800 BC) ,the Middle Neolithic (5300-4500 BC) and the Late Neolithic or Chalcolithic (4500-3300 BC).

The neolithic settlements extended all over Greece , with the greatest concentration in the Plain of Thessaly , where the two most important settlements are located , Sesklo and Dimini. The arrangement of the dwellings with thei streets and squares of the settlement constitute the first architectural and town-planning forms on European ground.


After neolithic man had provided for the basic goods of his daily life, he turned to the outside world and developed extensive commercial transactions.

The find of obsidian from Melos and other imports in the mainland give clear evidence of the wide development of seafaring in the Aegean Sea from the very beginning of the Neolithic period.

One of the most significant achievements of that period was the craft specialisation. The necessity of house equipment with tools, pottery, weaving and matting products led to the first craftsmen, who transmitted their craft from generation to generation. In the Late Neolithic Period the processing of metalls is consolidated.

Sesklo 7000 BCThe permanent residence leads to the institution of family and other social and communal institutions. Articles such as tools , vases vessels, jars , domesticated animals belonged to private properties, while sheep-folds, corp barns , places of public use and the fortifications of settlements were obviously under the authority of the community.

These unwritten institutions of private and communal property were legated to the humanity since then and are effective almost unchangeable until nowadays.


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