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Geometric period jewelry pictures collection from greek museums
Each thumbnail photo is a link to a larger version of the same photograph.


Necklace beads of faience

From the large cist grave which was discovered on Skyros in 1935. The grave offerings attest that the cist probably contained a double burial i.e. of a man , the earlier (late 11th -early 10th c. BC.) and of a woman, the later (900-850 Bc.). Most of the objects, which furnished the female inhumation, bear witness to the island's wealth and indicate that the deceasedbelonged to an important family. The location of Skyros was significant in this period, because it served as a bridge between Greece and the East.

gold bosses

 Ten gold bosses with empbossed decoration ,which were found on the female's chest , must have been fixed on a garment of cloth or hide. From the large cist grave on Skyros (11th c. BC.). National Archaeological Museum of Athens

Bronze bow brooche

Bronze bow brooche. From the large cist grave on Skyros (11th c. BC.). National Archaeological Museum of Athens


Pin. Type of the 11th-9th BC. From Delos. National Archaeological Museum of Athens


Bow fibula, of Greek Mainland type. Late 8th BC. National Archaeological Museum of Athens

pin and earrings

Pin and earrings. Type of 8th c. BC. National Archaeological Museum of Athens


Diadem with thistle leaves. Possible from the cult statue of Artemis. 7th - 6th c. BC. National Archaeological Museum of Athens


Pins - peloponnesian types. 7th c. BC.  and  pins with globular knobs towards the top. Late 8th c. BC. National Archaeological Museum of Athens

bow fibula

Bow fibula. The type reached Greece from the north , perhaps via Italy. 12th c. BC. National Archaeological Museum of Athens


Bracelet. 9th - 8th cent. BC. National Archaeological Museum of Athens


Bracelet. With spiral finials. The types are widely spread in the 8th and 7th c. BC. National Archaeological Museum of Athens

Gold pins

Three gold pins. 8th-7th c.BC. National Archaeological Museum of Athens

Gold necklace

Gold necklace beads. 7th c. BC. National Archaeological Museum of Athens

Silver pin

Silver pin with Peloponnesian and Cretan features . 650 BC. National Archaeological Museum of Athens


Fibula of Attic-Boeotian type. The catch-plate bears an incised depiction of battle scenes: on one side Heracles fighting the Siamese twins, the Moliones or Aktoriones, and on the other two archers on a ship. About 700-675 BC. National Archaeological Museum of Athens

Geometric period jewellery

From the tomb of Isis at Eleusis. Middle Geometric period (850-760 BC.). National Archaeological Museum of Athens

Geometric period jewellery

From the tomb of Isis at Eleusis. Middle Geometric period (850-760 BC.). National Archaeological Museum of Athens

Geometric period jewellery

From the Protogeometric cemetery at New Ionia, Attica. About 950-900 BC. National Archaeological Museum of Athens





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