and further organisation of the settlements and their
social institutions with the first appearence of
temples. Growth of local centres connected with the
securing, production and circulation of raw materials
and products (Phylacopi , Ayia Irini, Paroikia ,Akrotiri
). The abundant and widespread Melian pottery is a good
example of Cycladic development and expansion. The
repertoire of pottery decoration is |
expanded wit
representations of plants, animals, birds and humans and a nippled jug is added
to the repertoire of shapes.
During the middle cycladic period people continued dealing
with the trade and agriculture. They lived now
in small fortified cities with streets, sewage system and rich houses, often
decorated with frescoes
that testified Cretan effect. Also, a female deity was worshiped, a holy which
was found in Agia Irini of
Kea island, along with clay statues of her. Their cemeteries were found outside
the settlements, the
small children however were placed in pots and many times were buried inside the
settlement. Their art
became known through the pottery: the early cycladic tradition continued , but
was also presented a new
black painted technique (mat). There was a close contact with Crete, although
minyan vases from Greek
mainland have been found.