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                The Mycenaean world between East and the West
Commynication with Egypt  


The Egyptians took an interest in the Tanaja, as they called the Mycenaeans (Homer's Achaeans or Danaoi), and their rise to power beginning in the 14th century BC. It is indicative that faience plaques, vessels and figurines with the cartouche of the Pharaohs Amenophis II and Amenophis III were brought to Mycenae, possibly even by official Egyptian delegations.

The biblical land Canaan, the ports of Phoenicia (modern-day Lebanon), Syria and Cyprus all had trading relations with the Mycenaean world. Ships crossed the Aegean sea laden with copper and glass ingots, elephant and hippopotamus tusk, semi-precious stones and faience to be worked in the palatial workshops of Mycenae and at other centres. Also considered as exotic items were Egyptian faience scarabs, bronze statuettes of the Syro-Palestinian god Reshef, cylinder seals depicting Mesopotamian gods and heroes, ostrich eggs and possibly even cloths. Canaanite pointed-base amphorae were used to transport a number of goods, to Greece. The Cypriot lamp discovered at Mycenae and the bronze tripod from the Tiryns hoard demonstrate the close relations between mainland Greece and Cyprus at the end of the Mycenaean period, when there was a substantial Greek presence in Cyprus.

The search for gold and other metals, such as tin (an essential ingredient of bronze), is believed to have prompted the Mycenaeans to explore to the north and west into Europe. Amber jewelry accompanied the elite burials at Mycenae and Pylos, while the ruling classes in Western and Eastern Europe used Aegean vessels, or their imitations. The customary gift exchange between rulers may explain this phenomenon. Mycenaean pottery, a luxury product in the West, was exported in large quantities to Italy, Sicily and Sardinia, where it was widely imitated, and even as far as Spain.

The strengthening of relations with Western Europe is indicated by the appearance of a new type of powerful bronze sword, which was influenced by a West European prototype, in the Mycenaean warrior graves of the 12th century BC.






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