Grave Gamma, one of the largest graves in Grave
Circle B, contained one female and three male inhumations. It was marked by a
stone stele with relief decoration depicting an armed man attacking a lion. The
skull of one of the inhumations, which belonged to a twenty-eight years-old
male, had been operated on by trephination, possibly to treat a haematoma. This
is one of the earliest known examples of such surgical intervention in Europe
and one that required medical knowledge, great courage and skill. Among the many
grave gifts of Gamma were a death-mask made of electrum (gold and silver alloy),
a beautiful amethyst stone seal with an engraved representation of a male head,
two gold cups and bronze weapons.
Grave Delta contained three inhumations with grave
gifts consisting mostly of armour. One of the most important finds is a long
bronze sword with gold revetment, which ends in two opposed lion heads on
the hilt. Swords (both long and short), bronze machetes, daggers, spear-heads,
and stone arrow-heads furnish the warriors of the Shaft Grave period.
Grave Omicron belonged to a woman whose many grave
gifts included gold jewelry, diadems with repousse decoration and necklaces.
This grave is conventionally named 'the Grave of the crystals', owing to its
exquisite duck-shaped rock-crystal kymbe and bronze pins with ornate
rock-crystal heads. Of particular interest are the semi-precious stone
necklaces, as well as one made of amber, precious material imported from
north-western Europe.
The architectural type of Grave Rho, which is the
latest of these graves (15th cent. BC), seems to reproduce Near Eastern
prototypes and is another proof of the contacts between the Mycenaeans and the
Eastern Mediterranean civilizations. This grave comprised a built chamber, which
was accessed by a covered dromos (entrance passage). Very few grave gifts
escaped looting.