Cyril and Methodius the creators of the
Slavic alphabet |
The Byzantine Empire was for centuries the only civilized
European power. It therefore exercised an incalculable influence on those
barbarian peoples who came into contact with it. All the Slavic peoples came
under its influence, even though in the case of those Slavs (for example, the
Bohemians) who were absorbed into the Roman Church, the influence may have
been short-lived. The Bulgars, Serbs, and Russians, together with the Greeks and
some peoples of Western Asia who did not convert to Islam, all became members
of the Orthodox Church, owing not even nominal allegiance to Rome after
the eleventh century. This influence was, indeed, from the beginning of great
importance. As early as the reign of Constantine I the Council of Nicaea (325),
presided over by the emperor, decided that the correct interpretation of the
relation between the Father and the Son should be that propounded by St.
Athanasius, which maintained the full divinity of Christ—as distinct from that
held by Bishop Arius, which regarded Christ as inferior to the Father. This,
however, did not settle the controversy since several emperors thereafter
supported the doctrine of Arius. Byzantine missionaries during the period
naturally preached |
Arianism to their converts—especially Bishop Ulfilas, whose
work lay among the Germanic tribes who afterward took over the Roman West. Thus
the Goths, Vandals, Lombards, and others were, from the Roman Catholic point of
view, heretics when they invaded the Roman territories; and the papacy had the
greatest difficulty converting them to the orthodox Catholic beliefs. In later
centuries the Byzantines continued to preach their own form of Christianity,
which was still doubtfully orthodox in the eyes of the pope. The most important
single mission was probably that in the ninth century of Cyril and Methodius,
who devised a Slavonic alphabet, making possible the use of a Slavonic liturgy
for church services. Though the Slavs as far west as Bohemia and Moravia were
converted as a result of their work, the German bishops and the popes who
supported them were too powerful to allow this penetration from Constantinople
to become permanent. But territories to the east for the most part came within
the Byzantine religious, and consequently cultural and political, sphere of
Above all, Russia came
under Byzantine influence, not only in religion, but in government—a heritage
whose consequences are still with us today. The regime of the tsars was closer
to that of Constantinople than it was to any Western autocracy. When
Constantinople fell to the Turks in 1453 the grand duke of Moscow, soon to
proclaim himself Tsar of all the Russias, called his capital the "third Rome"
and symbolized the title by marrying the niece of the last emperor of Constantinople. He also proclaimed the patriarch of Moscow as the chief official
of the Orthodox Church. Barbarian as Russia still was in essence, in comparison
with the regime the tsar claimed to have inherited, the form of Byzantine rule,
itself inherited from the later Roman Empire, was retained in Moscow until the
Revolution of 1917. Even under Stalin a family likeness to Byzantine absolutism
could still be discerned, in spite of the Marxian intellectual framework which
had become the official philosophy and justification for his state.
During the years following the death of Charlemagne, the Byzantine Empire was
little connected with the West, except for Venice and the northeastern Italian
territories which were retained by Constantinople from the old exarchate of
Ravenna, and southern Italy, which was effectively subjected to Byzantine rule
once again by Basil I (876-886). Basil, however, was unable to dislodge the
Muslims from Sicily, and they fully subjugated it after his death. During his
reign the empire began a period of orderly government and firm rule under the
so-called Macedonian dynasty, which occupied the Byzantine throne for more than
150 years, with the succession rarely disputed. The Muslim menace had now
receded, and the Asiatic provinces of the empire were kept securely under
Byzantine control. Most of the difficulties experienced by the empire were from
the continued invasions of Slavs and Bulgars into its European hinterland,
especially the Balkan Peninsula, which the emperors had much difficulty in
holding. Already in the eighth century the Bulgars had entered the Balkans, and
the Byzantines had conducted several campaigns against them. In 865 the
Bulgarian khan, who now called himself a tsar, allowed himself and his people to
be converted to Christianity. But he had many difficulties with the patriarch of
Constantinople, and for a long time he hesitated between Rome and
Constantinople, fearing that religious union with the latter would lead to
political subservience.
However, when the people insisted upon adopting a
Slavonic liturgy, contrary to Roman practices, and when Rome did not fall in
with his views on other matters, he turned to the Eastern rite. His son Symeon
found coexistence with Constantinople difficult and spent most of his reign
fighting against the Byzantines—making, indeed, a serious attempt to win the
throne of Constantinople for himself. At one time he even called himself emperor
of the Romans, a title which the pope recognized and the emperor in
Constantinople was powerless to prevent. After a brief interval, during which
the Russians, led by Sviatoslav, attacked Bulgaria and were driven off by the
Byzantines, who took the opportunity to destroy the Bulgarian kingdom also,
another son, named Samuel, restored the kingdom and established his own
patriarchate independent of Constantinople. He extended his empire so that it
was hardly smaller than what remained to Constantinople. But the Byzantine
emperor, Basil II, an energetic and resolute soldier, accepted the challenge.
In a long and terrible war—Basil assumed afterward the title of Bulgaroktonos,
"the Bulgar-killer"-—he destroyed the Bulgarian empire and annexed the territory
in 1018. During the war the Russian prince, Vladimir, accepted Christianity for
himself and his people, and thus began the close connection between Russia and
Constantinople, a connection whose effects are still with us today. Following
the annexation, Bulgaria was entirely incorporated into the Byzantine Empire and
lost its identity until the end of the twelfth century, when the decay of the
empire under the blows of Seljuk Turks gave the Bulgarians another chance to
build an independent state. This state in due course fell to the Ottoman Turks.
Virgin Mary and little Jesus at the center of the icon and emperor Comnenus
at the left
In the early eleventh
century the Macedonian dynasty fell into the hands of a number of empresses
whose husbands ruled through them. The century was one of general decline, with
the empire having first to be defended against the Normans from the West and
then against the expanding Seljuk Turks, who inflicted a severe defeat on the
Byzantines at the Battle of Manzikert in 1071. In 1081 Alexius Comnenus became
emperor, founding a dynasty which endured until the Latin conquest of
Constantinople in 1204. Alexius was compelled to call in the Crusaders from the
West to help him against the Turks, beginning an era of increasing influence of
the West in Byzantine affairs.