The present (final) position of the Stadium is
that of Classical times. The embankments did not have stone seats,
except for the preserved platform ("exedra") for the judges at the Olympic games
("Hellanodikae") on the south one. On the north embankment still visible is the
altar of Demeter Hamyne. The capacity of the Stadium is estimated to 45.000
spectators. The Olympia stadium was surrounded on three sides by grass
embankments where spectators stood to watch the games. The only seats, at the
southeast of the stadium, were reserved for judges.
The arched tunnel , just outside the Altis to the
northeast, leads to the stadium. A monumental entrance ("Krypte") was erected at
the west side of it in the late Hellenistic period. The tunnel was reserved for
priests and officials and athletes entering the Stadium for the Games.
The Alpheos River long ago washed away the
Olympia hippodrome for chariot races.
The Krypte (Entrance)