Bronze statue of a horse and a young jockey
Retrieved in pieces from the shipwreck off Cape Artemision in Euboea. The work is known as the "Artemision jockey". The group was reassembled in 1971, with the financial support of an American lady and the Psichas Foundation. About 140 BC
National Archaeological Museum of Athens
Bronze portait head
Found in the Lake Palaestra,Delos. The modelling of the flesh in many planes attests to a great sculptor, whose work expresses the characteristic psychological realism of the Late Hellenistic Period. Early 1st c. BC. National Archaeological Museum of Athens.
Left arm of a larger than life-size statue of a young boxer
The arm was cast separately from the rest of the statue. The athlete wears the so-called sharp thongs; these were strips of leather that were wound around the wrist and protected the back of the hand. 2nd c BC. National Archaeological Museum of Athens
Statuette of a shepherd
The figure holds a lamb in the left arm. Work of the 1st cent. BC. National Archaeological Museum of Athens
Statuette of Athena on a circular base
The goddes wears a heavy tunic (peplos) forming an overfold and the goatskin with the Gorgon's head on the bosom. The figure has a helmet of attic type on the head. The left hand would rest on a spear. 1st c. BC. National Archaeological Museum of Athens
Statuette of a female figure, probably Aphrodite seated on a rock
The figure wears a mantle (himation) covering the lower part of the torso. The type is known from Rhodes in the end of 2nd c. BC. and was imitated in later times too. National Archaeological Museum of Athens
Sword in the scabbard,part of a statue
The hilt and the scabbard bear incised decoration. The type was widespread particularly in the Hellenistic period. 200-150 BC. National Archaeological Museum of Athens
funerary naiskos
Pentelic marble. Found in the ancient cemetary of the Kerameikos Athens. A young Athenian warrior with full military equipment. The dramatic facial expression and sinewy body recall works by the Parian sculptor Skopas. The name of the dead warrior is inscribed on the epistyle of the naiskos: Aristonautes son of Archenautes, of the deme of Halai. 325 BC. National Archaeological Museum of Athens
Statue of Asklepios
Pentelic marble. Found at Mounichia, in the sanctuary of Asklepios in Piraeus. 2nd cent.BC. National Archaeological Museum of Athens
Bronze statue of a horse and a young jockey
Retrieved in pieces from the shipwreck off Cape Artemision in Euboea. The work is known as the "Artemision jockey". The group was reassembled in 1971, with the financial support of an American lady and the Psichas Foundation. About 140 BC.
National Archaeological Museum of Athens